
How Do You Approach Risk Assessment in New Ventures?

How Do You Approach Risk Assessment in New Ventures?

In the dynamic landscape of new ventures, V-level executives must navigate the delicate balance of risk and opportunity. From a CEO's perspective on balancing rewards with uncertainties to a COO's insights on timing and details in risk assessment, we've compiled four expert strategies to guide your risk assessment process.

  • Balancing Rewards With Uncertainties
  • Employ Robust Risk Management Plans
  • Top-to-Bottom Evaluation for Strategic Moves
  • Timing and Details in Risk Assessment

Balancing Rewards With Uncertainties

When it comes to risk assessment in new ventures, it's all about balancing the potential for high rewards with the unavoidable uncertainties. At Spectup, we dive deep into market research, competitor analysis, and financial forecasting. We also engage in a lot of scenario planning, thinking through the best- and worst-case outcomes and preparing for both.

One risk that paid off brilliantly was when I was with the BMW Startup Garage. We took a chance on a small startup developing advanced battery technology. The idea was still in its infancy, and many doubted its scalability. But we saw the potential and decided to invest resources and mentoring. Fast forward a year, and that startup's innovation became a cornerstone in BMW's new electric vehicle lineup. It wasn't just a financial success but also a major leap forward in sustainability for the automotive industry.

I remember the nervous anticipation before the first big test of their technology—lots of coffee-fueled late nights. But seeing the startup's tech perform beyond expectations was like winning the startup lottery. It reinforced my belief that sometimes, taking a well-calculated risk can lead to groundbreaking success.

Niclas Schlopsna
Niclas SchlopsnaManaging Consultant and CEO, spectup

Employ Robust Risk Management Plans

When dealing with risk assessment in new ventures, I start by thoroughly analyzing potential risks and their impacts. I use tools like SWOT analysis and risk matrices to evaluate the severity and likelihood of each risk. Additionally, I ensure we have a robust risk management plan in place, including contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies. Collaborating with cross-functional teams helps in gaining diverse perspectives, which is crucial for a comprehensive risk assessment.

One risk that paid off was our decision to invest heavily in a new, unproven technology. Initially, there was significant uncertainty around its adoption and scalability. However, after thorough market research and pilot testing, we decided to move forward. The technology not only met but exceeded expectations, leading to substantial cost savings and a significant competitive advantage. This success underscored the importance of informed risk-taking and the value of being agile and adaptable in our approach to new ventures.

Denida Grow
Denida GrowManaging Partner - Protection and Intelligence Solutions, LeMareschal LLC

Top-to-Bottom Evaluation for Strategic Moves

Our approach to risk assessment in new ventures involves a top-to-bottom evaluation of potential threats and opportunities. Along the way, we employ comprehensive market analysis, financial forecasting, and scenario planning to mitigate uncertainties.

A notable risk that paid off was the introduction of domain-name brokerage services. This strategic move was underpinned by thorough market research and a clear understanding of customer needs. We discovered that by diversifying our service offerings, we not only mitigated potential revenue fluctuations but also tapped into a burgeoning market.

Looking back, this decision propelled our revenue growth by leaps and bounds, exemplifying the benefits of calculated risk-taking.

Timing and Details in Risk Assessment

You must, of course, start by evaluating the potential payoff compared to the estimated amount of effort. But asking the question “Why now?” is also extremely important. Timing matters. Finally, have a deep understanding of the granular details—technical, marketing, or otherwise. This will allow you to avoid unexpected pitfalls that could derail the project. And always start with a lean approach and scale up from there.

One risk that paid off was when we started redirecting all new sign-ups on our website to our pricing page immediately after sign-up, and subsequent sign-in. We feared this might annoy users. But by launching it as an A/B test to only 1% of users, we were able to verify that it increased conversion rates by 45%, and only then did we roll it out to the entire user base.

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